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Attention: Coaches, Consultants, Speakers, Authors and Service Professionals…

One of a Kind Opportunity to be Up and Close with Robin Sharma  

Build Instant Credibility
learn from “Leader of the Leaders”.

Being a Diamond at
Indian Wealth Summit

You can break the cycle of running behind your goals & customers and acquire authority & trust, to attract your dreams & clients effortlessly.

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Finally, A One of a kind opportunity to be in a frame with the legendary Robin Sharma, and enhance your authority and credibility instantly.

Be A Diamond at Indian Wealth Summit With Robin Sharma & Experience…

  • Pre-Event Dinner Event With Robin Sharma – An Exclusive Evening with A Close Gathering For Only Diamonds at the Indian Wealth Summit, to spend time and have a conversation with Robin Sharma himself. 
  • A Rare Opportunity To Learn From The World’s Leading Leadership Expert Robin Sharma – Learn & Gain Insights and Knowledge on leadership, boosting your performance, and Achieving iconic results.
  • Build Your Brand & Credibility – Being a Diamond at the Indian Wealth Summit gives you the privileges of sharing space and getting in frame with Legends Like Robin Sharma, Dr. Ameet Parekh, and Sunil Tulsiani to boost your Brand instantly. 
  • Access To Training Tracks Of All Global Speakers – As a Diamond at the Indian Wealth Summit you will have access to keynote sessions by Dr. Ameet Parekh (Author & Business Expert), Sunil Tulsiani (Branding & Wealth Coach), Vineeta Singh (Founder of Sugar Cosmetic & Judge at Shark Tank India) and many more.

Here’s what you get as Diamond Experience
In The Indian Wealth Summit

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Private & Exclusive Pre-Event Dinner Event Robin Sharma

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Most offers bomb, leaving you strapped for cash and slowing down your momentum.
But get your offers right… and you can scale your business at speeds that will blow your competitors minds…

That’s because the more successful offers you make, the faster you can multiply your revenue by 2x, 5x or more.

And that’s why my team and clients use the High Ticket Offer Blueprint™ everytime we want to take a new offer to the market.

The Blueprint outlines my time-tested formula for creating High Ticket offers that sell like crazy.

Every offer you make needs to be structured in just the right way. Because when you structure them right, they sell with almost zero resistance.

That’s what you get with this Blueprint.

You’ll also see how to create these offers fast, so you can get them to market quickly. And how to test them on the cheap, so you don’t throw a bunch of money (or time) into your new offers until you know for sure they will sell.

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Get in a frame with
Robin Sharma

1. Get in a frame with Robin Sharma scaled e1668936894299

In my 15+ years selling High Ticket offers I’ve come to realize one thing:

NOTHING will have a greater impact on your life and business than your ability to generate an always-full pipeline of high ticket clients who can afford – and who want – what you sell.

But most coaches, consultants, authors and experts don’t know how to do this consistently.

So they stay stuck… haunted by the feast or famine client cycle… stumbling around using outdated marketing methods that no longer work in today’s over-advertised marketplace…

…frustrated because of their dependency on marketing agencies who are more interested in collecting fat monthly retainers than actually getting you the kind of clients you need to grow your business.

That stops now.

With my High Ticket Lead Generation Blueprint™ as your guide you can put an end to advertising guesswork. Stop throwing good money away on failed marketing campaigns. Use what works. And quickly and easily use free and paid media to create a stable flow of leads that funnel premium clients directly into your business at a positive ROI.

Stop wasting money on lead generation that doesn’t work with my High Ticket Lead Generation Blueprint™. Grab yours now.

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Learn To be Iconic from The World’s
Top Leadership Expert

3. Learn From The Worlds Best Leadership Expert scaled e1668936972995

If you are sick and tired of spending hours with prospects, giving away free advice, and NOT closing, this is for you.

Convert or die. That should be your mantra. Why? Because if you can’t convert (or close) clients, you don’t have a business.

Problem is, closing or enrolling clients doesn’t come naturally to most experts, coaches, consultants, and especially authors and speakers – it’s just not in your nature to aggressively push for the sale. It’s even harder to train your team when you don’t feel confident closing yourself.

Fortunately for you, you don’t need to be aggressive to land high ticket projects anymore. That’s because I’ve dedicated the better part of the past 15 years to mastering High Ticket closing WITHOUT being pushy, sleazy or manipulative.

And I’ve included the lessons and process I’ve mastered in the High Ticket Conversion Blueprint.

I’ve taught these low-pressure, counterintuitive “client conversion” methods to tens of thousands of clients – even people who didn’t think they could close to save their life.

They paid $4,000 to $10,000 each to get these secrets. But they’re yours free on this page only, just cover shipping.

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Access To Leadership Summit With
Robin Sharma

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No matter what you sell, the High Ticket Ascension Blueprint will show you dozens of ways to ascend clients – turning low-priced initial transactions into high ticket sales of your premium products or services.

Doesn’t matter if your initial offer is a low-cost “free plus shipping” offer like the one you’re seeing here, a $97 front end product, or a $3,000 coaching program…

When you understand the bulletproof formulas and gameplans I share in the High Ticket Ascension Blueprint you can go from struggling to easily adding new High Ticket products and services people go crazy over.

And to make it even easier to ascend your clients quickly and naturally to your high ticket offers, I’m also going to give you my…

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Access To Training Tracks of
all global speakers

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Advertising is expensive.
So, imagine a world where you don’t have to pay for advertising anymore because you’ve got a full client roster… and… your clients stay with you for several years at a time, often referring other like-minded clients to you.
That what happens when you know how to attract, land, and retain clients for life.
Why does this matter? Because it costs anywhere from 8-10 times more to attract a new client than it does to sell more products or services to an existing client.
But how do you keep clients coming back to create a lifetime of revenue?
That’s exactly what you’ll discover in my High Ticket Retention Blueprint™.
High Ticket Client Retention is the antidote to rising ad costs. The solution to falling profit margins. Your hedge against increasing inflation.
With these retention strategies you can build a business that is impervious to market fluctuations, indifferent to the whims of big-tech maffia, and completely bulletproof as you build a fortress around your finances and family prosperity.
Listen to me when I say: Paying more attention to client retention is one of the most profitable strategies you can implement. It’ll pay you back again and again now and into the future.
And the High Ticket Client Retention Blueprint shows you how to do it – free.

Networking Dinner
on Sunday Evening

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Advertising is expensive.
So, imagine a world where you don’t have to pay for advertising anymore because you’ve got a full client roster… and… your clients stay with you for several years at a time, often referring other like-minded clients to you.
That what happens when you know how to attract, land, and retain clients for life.
Why does this matter? Because it costs anywhere from 8-10 times more to attract a new client than it does to sell more products or services to an existing client.
But how do you keep clients coming back to create a lifetime of revenue?
That’s exactly what you’ll discover in my High Ticket Retention Blueprint™.
High Ticket Client Retention is the antidote to rising ad costs. The solution to falling profit margins. Your hedge against increasing inflation.
With these retention strategies you can build a business that is impervious to market fluctuations, indifferent to the whims of big-tech maffia, and completely bulletproof as you build a fortress around your finances and family prosperity.
Listen to me when I say: Paying more attention to client retention is one of the most profitable strategies you can implement. It’ll pay you back again and again now and into the future.
And the High Ticket Client Retention Blueprint shows you how to do it – free.

Branding On the Indian
Wealth Summit Official Website

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Advertising is expensive.
So, imagine a world where you don’t have to pay for advertising anymore because you’ve got a full client roster… and… your clients stay with you for several years at a time, often referring other like-minded clients to you.
That what happens when you know how to attract, land, and retain clients for life.
Why does this matter? Because it costs anywhere from 8-10 times more to attract a new client than it does to sell more products or services to an existing client.
But how do you keep clients coming back to create a lifetime of revenue?
That’s exactly what you’ll discover in my High Ticket Retention Blueprint™.
High Ticket Client Retention is the antidote to rising ad costs. The solution to falling profit margins. Your hedge against increasing inflation.
With these retention strategies you can build a business that is impervious to market fluctuations, indifferent to the whims of big-tech maffia, and completely bulletproof as you build a fortress around your finances and family prosperity.
Listen to me when I say: Paying more attention to client retention is one of the most profitable strategies you can implement. It’ll pay you back again and again now and into the future.
And the High Ticket Client Retention Blueprint shows you how to do it – free.

Click The Button

Below Right Now To Apply 

For The Diamond Experience

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This Is What Credibility Looks Like

This Is What 

Credibility Looks Like

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coach ameet parekh being felicitated by malaika arora as pioneer in business coaching during the et business icon awards 2020
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Parekh Sir And Rakul Preet Singh
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sunil tulsiani and Grant cardone
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Leverage the credibility, authority and power of Legends Like Robin Sharma, Dr. Ameet Parekh & Sunil Tulsiani and dominate your niche and industry.

3 in 1 Frame
100 Risk Free 2

Diamond Experience
Price Range

From INR 2L - 5L

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